Sleeping beauty—— what makes your sleep resulting ageless

Sleeping beauty—— what makes your sleep resulting ageless

In Lord of the Ring — Return of the King, the princess never grew old but the king in the end died in old age… this was due to Genetics in this case.

while everyone finds it hard to take things that are genetics and always thinks that if we work harder, we will be able to do the same!!!  

while sleeping heals our body but can sleep be able to reverse aging too?  Definitely is the answer but you need extra boost… remember immunity determines our resistance to aging… boosting it definitely helps… 


while everyone is so concerned about anti inflammation… while bringing immediately relief, also weakening your immunity.  I did a speech on a research conference on this and stated this.

I wrote this article to address my boyfriend’s concerns about aging.  Actually he is in his 30’s that’s still a long way for men to experience aging.

wine drinking plus a nap definitely is immunity boosting and can make your face look younger. Any kind of wine will do the job… the point is you need to have sleep!!!


but if you have liver disease, you may want to be extra careful in using this methodology … always talk to your MD when you are in doubt.  And if you take psychiatric meds, you have to consult your medical professional for how much wine can you take?

you only need 1/4 glass to take effect in anti aging with wine plus sleep.

although the questions are raised by him, hope this article is beneficial to those who read it.



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