Goal oriented practice

Goal oriented practice

I work with celebrities in my private practice.  I try to align my protocols with their goals.  Actually working with them takes a lot of thoughtful preparations.  

Usually, they want to be at their best when they are filming... luckier, they maybe able to be ambassadors of some kind.  That said, being able to do some style consultation work is very vital as you want them to be successful.  

As the Black has more opportunities than in the past and their social status is rising too.  I start to have more coming... and they are willing to spend money to make themselves looking good.  Unlike the White that start to scale back on their spending.  

We may not be able to stop the aging process but we can definitely do something to delay it from aging too fast.  Detoxification and nourishing is no easy things as it concerns not only eating good and sweating/exercise only.  This is a big and complicated issue that experts may not even know it all.


self care is important and it facilitates the healing process... but just for a portion of total work only.  What seems right today can be doubted to be the culprit of your issue tomorrow....  who knows?!
